Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trig Graphing

Mr. Max reviewed the sin curve and then told us he would be doing some funny hand gestures that would help us understand, we all thought he was nuts.

So the equation for transforations of sin (also works for cos, these rules are not for tan) looks like this

y=a*sin b(x-c)+d

O and just a note Mr. Max doesn't think "alls" is a word so watch your language

When you change "a" the sin graph will go to the new number and its negative integer, since one is usually the number (even though we don't rught it) so the y=sin(x) graph has an amplitude of 1 and goes from a minimum of -1 to a maximum of 1 in the y-axis

In precalc amplitude = [max-min]/2 amplitude is always an absolute value is a good website Mr. Max put a link on the blog to with java aplets that demenstrate these rules as well as many others visually on the x,y plain

b controls the period of the sin wave, if b is two the sin wave is cut in half or happens every pi instead of 2pi


c is the horizontal shift or phaze shift
phaze shift is defined as c if y=a times sinb(x-c)+d is in factored form(b is outside parentheses or y=a times sin(bx-c)+d

d controls verticle shift d=vertical shift
same rules for cosine curve but not the tangent curve,

assignment is the first 16 assignments on exercise 6

And alls well that ends well, unless you feel like this unfortunate student in Professor Hermans class

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