Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Wow! As I was preparing for tomorrow's test, I found this amazing 'cheat sheet.' Really it's just a bunch of formulas, but only for trig. I still find it amazing because it includes virtually everything! I'd check it out if I were you! Print yourself a copy, I know I will.

Trigonometry 'Cheat Sheet'


Lesson 19 Questions 1 to 8
Lesson 20 Questions 1 to 12

Today we did some refreshers on exponent function when we corrected yesterday questions. I'm still struggling so I recommend watching the recording, god knows i'll have to.

Here are the slides maybe they can help shed more light on the concept.

Here is the logarithmic grapher that I found yesterday.
Just go to the click here to start button.

Monday, March 23, 2009

exponents and logarithms

Our homework is the 5 questions from a to e on the last slide posted below

Today we started logarithms and the easiest way to explain what a logarithm is to call it the inverse of an exponent. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/logs.htm has an animation that does an exellent job of describing the relation between exponents and logarithms.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The exercise is lesson 18 questions 1 to 18.

We focused this class on double angle identities. Forgive me if I lead you down the wrong road here because I've lost my map and I am struggling to get back on course. That is to say I don't get it. The only thing I'm confident with my understanding of it was the part about 2 seperate angles who end up in the same position on a circle. Honestly I have know idea how to describe the idea of it simpler than Max's traveling to Bowsmen through Lenswood idea. Max also went through the identity formulas, which helped me enough that if I had to do a question like that I could plug in the formula and get the correct answer, but I don't know why it does what it does.

Sorry I couldn't upload the video it just wouldn't upload in a short enough amount of time so I had to take it off

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18, 2009

Today in class, we went over the question from yesterday.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I just lost my whole post because I was trying to upload the images in the order that they were created...
I cut out the text, then uploaded the images, then saved the draft, and when I was just about to paste the text back in my computer hung itself up(froze) and so the text was lost...
Here are the screens for now, maybe I wil try to retype the text later, but for now this will have to do...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mental math and more identities

Well today we started our class with a quick mental math, followed by another one, and then yet another one Which gave us a total of 15 questions which didn't help to many of us in the marks department. After that happened we had members of the safe grad committee come in and try to get everyone to vote on the theme, with the choices being carnival, Miami, Paris, or 80's night club. Finally we came to doing more identities and are now to the find a point using two angles by either using addition or subtraction. The main way this works is by using one of the following identities:
With alpha representing one angle and beta the other angle. Here is the example question we did in class as well as where it would be on the unit circle.

Finnally at the end of the day we were told to do the homework we were previously assigned and to keep working on accelerated math because a mark is going in for it before parent- teacher interviews.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Test was toady; the lessons covered in the test were 1-15. Mr max was not avaliable today, therefore there was a sub. the test in my opinion was alright, but a few questions I didnt know how to finish properly.

(p.s. I love dirtbikes.)

March 12, 2009

Today in class we went through MORE IDENTIIES. (Lots of FUN and it was beautiful)

Remember the diffence of squares.

Here are the notes that we did:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trigonometric Identities

Here is the video!!

Alright, so the lesson to day was trig identities, and Mr max dedicated this class to figguring out a few trig identity problems. Quote "there is nothing better than solving a few (trig identity) problems in math class on a tuesday afternoon".

Here are the screenshots of our the problems we went about doing, as well as a couple of Techniques to help us Identify a proof:

If you ever get lost in a question, just insert numbers into the equation to see how the problem will act, like so:

March 9, 2009

Today in class we didn't have a new lesson, or notes. We had a short class discussion, and then did mental math practice. So everyone just keep the questions that we did in mind, and even find a few to practice with. Go back to the early exercises in your booklet and find a question to attempt to do in your head. Give it a shot! Practice makes perfect... Well, maybe not perfect.... but it should definitely improve your performance!

Mental math has the potential to be 'free' or 'easy' marks for us. So keep that in mind! I know I'm not very happy with the way my tests are turning out, but that just tells me I need to start working my tail off to get better at those, and to take advantage of the easy marks.

Keep working hard everyone!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Trig Identities

The weekend questions are 1 to 8 on exercise 14.

An identity between equations exists when the two equations equal one another no matter what x is substituted for. An identity can not exist between two equations that differ on a graph and just because two equations come out the same on a graph doesn't necessarily mean that an identity exists between them. The question is still out on an example that shows two equations that are graphed the same but do not create an identity between them.

I've also been asked to inquire whether or not Max should project his screen onto ours or let us roam free with supervision. In my opinion I do not see the benifit of him projecting his screen onto mine because if I am understanding what he is demonstating then it should be my personal responsibility to listen, and on the other hand I should have the tools necessary to get up to speed made available to me.

Another one of our debateible topics is the open class where we work away at a more seperate pace or where Max straps us all into the same car and takes us with him at his pace. I find that I get more paper work done in the open classes, but I also find that my progess is often times impeded by my lack of understanding of the subject so require help often. In the lesson classes I can sit back and listen, but I find that I have less of a personal motivation to learn when I'm not doing the questions first hand.